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The Research Group “Synthesis and processing of materials (SYPMAT)” of the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) is made up of researchers specialized in Materials Science and Engineering, in particular, in synthesis and processing techniques, as well as in the characterization of new materials. Giving the group a clearly multidisciplinary profile, which has allowed it to establish fruitful collaborations with other research groups both at the University itself and at external national and international centres. The group is led by Dr. Alejandro Várez and Dr. Belén Levenfeld, with almost 30 years of experience in the field of Materials Science and Technology. In particular, they have extensive experience in the synthesis and characterization of electrolytes (polymeric and ceramic) for applications in Energy, as well as in the application and development of new binder systems for Powder Injection Molding and extrusion (PIM), of metals and ceramics. Prof. Dr. JeanYves Sanchez, from the University of Grenoble, who has extensive experience in the field of polymer electrolytes, has recently joined the group. He was initially linked through a Chair of Excellence at UC3M, and later through the CONEX program (CONnecting EXcellence to UC3M) in his modality of Chair of Excellence. He is currently a Visiting Professor. The incorporation of Prof. Dr. Sanchez provides added value to the group and brings his experience in achieving final devices (fuel cells or batteries). The group’s ability to attract talent should also be highlighted, where in the last CONEX call for young researchers, two of them have joined the group.


Hemos comenzado el jueves pasado con nuestras Cicloferencias, a través de IAAB.

Nos acompañó Cruz Sánchez de Lara que nos sumergió en el concepto ODS y nos ayudó a ver la importancia de la circularidad en todos los ámbitos de la vida, sin olvidar el importante papel de la ciencia y la responsabilidad que tenemos como investigadores a la hora de hacer ese cambio posible.

Nos introdujeron el acto:

MªTeresa Pérez Prior (Directora de IAAB y miembro de este SYPMAT) y Alberto García-Peña (secretario de IAAB).

Estuvimos acompañados de Paloma Díaz Pérez (Directora de la EPS-UC3M).

Os esperamos el próximo 13/10/2022 a las 19:00




CONEX-Plus Fellowship program for unknown mobility

We welcome two PhD postdoctoral researchers to our research group, they are: Bidhan Pandit and Jóse Vivo.

CONEX-Plus is a mobility and training program that aims to promote the career development of a cohort of international Experienced Researchers (ERs) at the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) within the framework of the actions “ Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) COFUND scheme”.

The CONEX-PLUS program, built on the excellence of UC3M, will train the next generation of research leaders in their respective areas. Likewise, it will support compliance with the UC3M Strategic Plan 2016-2022, and will contribute to the research and innovation panorama in Spain.




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